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SSM Health and Tufts Executives Join Navvis for Becker’s Webinar

CEOs of Tufts Medicine, Navvis: Taking on disruptors amid value transformation

Resources November 21, 2023

SSM Health and Tufts Executives Join Navvis for Becker’s Webinar

Despite the large opportunities available in risk-based contracts, value-based care continues to be challenging for many healthcare organizations across the U.S. As healthcare organizations continue to move to value-driven models, they must decide where, when and how to create meaningful change to achieve top-decile performance. Should the focus be on quality? Cost? Access? Experience? Or all of the above?

This live webinar will provide a deep dive into the strategies of two leading health systems — St. Louis-based SSM Health and Burlington, Mass.-based Tufts Medicine — as they aggressively move to risk, and embrace the operational and cultural changes necessary to do so.

You’ll learn:

  • How to accelerate the transition to new models of care
  • Best practices for driving exemplary performance in value-based risk arrangements
  • The crucial elements for operational success, including partnership strategies and the importance of leadership and culture


Emily Young, MBA, President, Tufts Medicine Integrated Network

Tim Johnson, MD, FACP, System Vice President of Clinical Integration, SSM Health

Matt Hanley, MD, MBA, Chief Market Executive, Navvis